ETO™, Apricot™, CaseWorthy™, and Salesforce – Exponent Case Management™ Implementation
In preparation for the use of ETO, Apricot, CaseWorthy, or Salesforce – Exponent Case Management software, services include the review of current documentation methods and possibly recommendations for amendments to streamline and capitalize on the features of the software. Final content is built in the software platform and provided for final review, followed by customized staff and site administrator training and customized written training materials.
Implementation Services typically consist of either initial configuration of an organization’s software platform, or the reconfiguration of existing content. ECS has expertise in embedding identified KPI’s into data collection systems and re-aligning a company’s database through the process of diagnosing pain points, strategizing solutions for current challenges, and reinvigorating key staff at multiple levels in their commitment to the data collection process.