Emily Megnin, CETO, CETOR, Gold Level ETO™ Site Administrator and Results Administrator, brings over 12 years of performance management experience, expertise in customer service, advanced knowledge of business software such as ETO™, Salesforce, and Apricot to ECS. She has been a Professional Implementation Partner for CaseWorthy since 2016. She has 15 years of experience with Social Solutions in a variety of customer services and senior management roles, including recruiting, hiring, onboarding, performance management, budgeting, resource planning, and process improvement for a team of 50 employees.
Ms. Megnin is an expert in data analysis and reporting, qualitative and quantitative research, public speaking, and crisis management. She is driven to help organizations achieve the goals they set forth and measure their true impact through a performance management infrastructure.
Ms. Megnin holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology with a minor in Women’s Studies from Goucher College.